The Norwood Park Fire Protection is proud to team up with United States Marine Corps and be a donation site for their annual Toys For Tots program!

Toys for Tots can be traced back to 1947, when a group of Marine Reservists led by Major Bill Hendricks collected and distributed 5,000 toys to needy children in the Los Angeles area. After that successful first run the program was formally adopted by the U.S. Marine Corps and made a nationwide program.

The program has evolved since its inception, too. Where Marines once refurbished used toys collected, they now accept new toys for needy children (and ask that no stuffed animals be donated please). Star power has come out in force, and celebrities over the decades have lent their names and talents to the program. The Toys for Tots logo was designed, in fact, by Walt Disney himself!

The Fire Department, like so many others, is proud to continue to support this non-profit venture, and would like you to help us support the needy this holiday season.

How? Easy! There is a collection bin marked inside the station at the east door. Pick up the phone in the gray call box and a firefighter will be happy to let you in to donate to this terrific cause! We are collecting new toys (unwrapped and in unopened containers) from now until December 12th!”